Why I’m Not Publishing on SmashWords

SmashWords’ extra requirements that would’ve necessitated a new version just aren’t worth it to me.

CONSTRUCT, Chapter Two

In the weeks leading up to release, the first five chapters will be posted for your perusal, giving you a glimpse into the world of CONSTRUCT, Book I of The Chronicler Saga. Please enjoy Chapter Two!

Editing Is Not Adversarial

There is no better way to become a better writer than to have a professional constructively deconstruct your prose.

CONSTRUCT Release Date and Cover Revealed!

Please enjoy our exclusive reveal of the cover to CONSTRUCT, by fantasy artist Carmen Sinek.

CONSTRUCT, Chapter One

In the weeks leading up to release, we’ll be posting the first five chapters here for your perusal, giving you a glimpse into the world of CONSTRUCT.


Welcome to ChroniclerSaga.com!

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